Prepare the input data

Because the input data’s formt of MXNet is rec,so we must turn the image into the .rec format,as folow:

First, we prepare some face images data stored in ‘test_face’ file:

step1:build the txt or lst format from the images

Now,we have so many images in hand.Next,we make some changes to them that generate a list or a txt about the images.As for the list or txt,its format as folllows:

To see explicitly,we can see an image below:

Of course, we still need the test.lst or test.txt.

step2:generate the .rec from txt or lst

Under our MXNet root diretory,we can see

so,we can build the rec doc by using ‘im2rec’.

The comman as folows:

Here,we can see three parameters.They are:

the first param: the path of your lst or txt have been build;

the second one: the path of your images;

the third one: the path of your .rec.

OK,so far we have the rec doc of train data,but we still lack the rec of test data.In that,we can generate the test.rec with the same method.Finally,you can get four files:

Good luck!

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A girl loves algorithms about Computer Vision,Deep Learning,and Machine Learning .etc.She likes making some friends in the same camp.

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A girl loves algorithms about Computer Vision,Deep Learning,and Machine Learning .etc.She likes making some friends in the same camp.

Worked with all algorithms

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